Tuesday, November 10, 2009

FINALLY L.O.N.G. C.A.L.L.-7/11/2009-

"Dengan kuasa yang telah diberikan pada saya, saya menerima masuk SITI HANISAH BINTI BAHARUDDIN sebagai Peguambela dan Peguamcara Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya". betul2 rasa macam x percaya bila kata-kata tu diucapkan oleh Yang Arif Tuan Mohamad Ariff selaku judge Mahkamah Tinggi Rayuan Kuasa-Kuasa Khas 3... fuhhh!! tak sangka berbaloi sgt penantian selama 5 tahun 9 bulan untuk menacapai tahap sekarang nie..dada berdebar-debar yang amat sgt sgt Petition No.18-79-09 dipanggil... Mr.Nandah Kumar Menon jadi my mover (peguam yang akan mengusulkan long call) pada hari tu..walaupun sgt sedih boSs x dapat turun sbb balik penang ader sedara die meninggal tp majlis tetap perlu diraikan dengan hati yang b erbunga-bunga serta perasaan yang bercampur-baur..sedih ada, gumbira ada, pilu ada (sbb family x dtg) & etc... long call started at 9 a.m as scheduled! mmg YA sgt particular & punctual..yet nice & sweet..suke sgt kat die... my mover speech x lame sgt..just to briefly introduced me to the judge and then ask for leave to robe me with very awkward jubah lawyer..hahhaa...funny and ugly look but still kena pakai cos thats the tradition and professionalism of legal profession..perh! macam ala-ala bagus je ka..pdhl xde pape pun..i'm just being proud of being myself regardless whatever field of job i've been involved in! thanks to Allah for His Gracious & Gratitude, my mum and dad who always being my true loyal fans & last but not least all my fellow friends who have been so supportive for all my life...i really appreciate that.beyond words could replace that!

hope u guys enjoy with the attached pics!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


what do u guys think about engagement?! to tie a
knot with sum1 u love???! or just to ensure that
she/he belongs to u solely?! or just to let him/her knows
that she's no longer frEe like a bird???! eh! pe yang aku cakap nie..
hahahhah! sungguh xdAk keja..last 2 days dpt 2
invitation cards to my frEn wedding..arrrgghhh! rasa cam x
best jer biler dgr ramai kwn2 dah lepas rumah
(ceh! ayat x leh blah! mcm org tua2..heheee...) that means
dh kawen or dh nak kawen la..jeles pun ader gak..tp xpe la..
i'm acTuALLy happy for them as dioRang sume dh
tambahkan masJid kat Atas Bumi nie..its just that
whether that mosque will stand longlasting dengan
teguhnya or roboh dek eARthquake or tsunami yang
datang meLanda...nauZubiLLah....

As for me..lum tahu kapan akan tiba waktunya..just pray that my jodoh will be comin soon & x nak jd ANDARTU! hahha...gemuruh dgr that word! walaupun dh dpt cincin tanda yg x official lagik nie tp kire ok la tue... just x sabar nak dpt yg real one jer... tahun depan kot..insyaAllah!

kena tggu si dia kuar dr kepompong pulapol dulu...then can only think about it..rite deAr?! althou i know u x bc this bLog pun..miss u la deaR..uhuhuuuuhuuuu :'(

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

mE & AzMiR @ BakRi!

Morning GLory!!!
just sampai ofis nie..terus bukak blog nak uplOAd pics! hahhaa...byknya keje nak buat tp xde moOOD...huhuuuu~~~ sungguh x keruan hidup ini...bosan, sedih, marah (sbb byk file nak kena settle) & gumbira + gementar menanti Long call! huh!! semua tue perlu difikirkan....
tp wat masa nie nak relax je..nak men fb and ym! hhahaa...keje org malas nie..kat kwn2 sume pun rindu gak..as i know skrg nie tgh final exam rite! gooD luCk to all my deAreSt friends..miss u Guys damn Much & cant wait to c u all! till then...cHOwww!!

he looks so different kan! that his before before
masuk Pulapol! kat atas nun yg nampak gelap
lepas dh masuk training...uhuhuk...

Monday, November 2, 2009

about him stiLL!!!

hye everyone!
gosh! just came back from Muar..not that bad ya that place if i may say... small town which u can see Chinese all around...feel like we're in the middle of Chinese town pLaks! nway... fyi i was in Muar for da last 2 days to visit none other my beloved, Azmir...

OMG!!! pity him sgt2...rasa mcm nak nangis when he 1st step in fron of me as he looks sooooooo skinny and his skin turned darker.. not that dark but still i miss da old Azmir for seconds! oh Baby! y r looking soo...??? uhuhuks...s long s i could c u that wud be enuf 4 me...

kesian sgt bile tgk kaki die bengkak, merah2 and tgn luke sana sini.. lebam sn sini... as he told me semua pelatih kena kawat x pakai baju, kawat tgh panas, lari sana sini, n for martial art class thats the time when they have to fight and prepare to be punched, kicked or whatever skil u might think off! oh...really feel like wanna cry but i know that i shall give him a big support so that he will pass trou out the journey....

just managed to take few pics! i'll upload later!

till then...i miSS him much! only God knows!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

rinDu pada adik2!!!!

hye semua...

sian sume ek tunggu nisa nyer new entry! sorry sgt2 tau..here nisa nak upload pics my bro! maybe ader yg dh tgk kan..so tgk2 la lagik..hehe...rindu sgt pada adik2 nisa kat umah...specially my Lil brO taufiq (Ahmad Taufiq) yg sgt nakal! attitude cam crook! n really miss my adik Un (Mohd Nazrul Naim) much! he's been really nice yet sweet innocent bro! yg paling suke gaduh! hahaha..adik najib (Mohd Najib Fahmi)...check out their pics!

Nie adik Un..adik yg i love the mOst!

Nie plaks adik yang Plaing nakaL!!! aka tOpik!

this is aftEr me...Najib Fahmi! mcam tua kan muke die..ahhahah!

nAk Jumpe diA ujung minGgu niE....

hye everyone yg follow my bLog..hahahaha..dalam lama sgt x tulis kat bLog nie kan..sOri sgt kepada yg berkenaan...mesti rindu kan tertunggu2 bile nisa nak update this blOg kan..sorry to all my lovely sisters...Farha, Yaya & Nul!

sekarang keje sgt2 bz..klu x ke Kl Court mesti akn ke Shah Alam or ke Putrajaya! huh! jgn tak tahu..dh sampai Court of Appeal dh niSa nie skang...hehee~~ mane2 je kan..membawa diri dengan fail yang begitu berAt! waLLah!!!! wHat a hecTic life!
papePun..2morrow i'm thinking of nak amek leave..haahha...da reaSon is just to visit my loved one kat Muar...x sabar nak jumpe die!!!! even everyday he calls me but stiLl the feeling is different if x tgk hOw he looks like quite recently! padaHaL baru seBulan dia pergi sane tp rase dah macam setahun! huhuuuuu~~~~ x sabar sgt! attached here please find his pics! just like kak Farha ask to..hahahaa......miss u giRLs tau..really byk2!!!mmUAHHhhh!!!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

GOD...I Miss Him!!!

Hari nie hari ke-5 Azmir kat BAKRI, Muar…rindu yang amat sgt kat dia…huhuuu~
Teringat masa2 bersama ngn dia kat sini…setiap kali balik keje lalu kat entrance rumah mesti ingt dia..he’s the one..he’s da 1 yg really captured me and took my heart away..

I miss u so much…
As high as the Mountain of Everest …
As deep as the Pacific Ocean…
As largest as the Asian Continent
As cold as the Antartic…
As bright as the sunshine…
As long as I live…
I will love you and will always be…

Peluklah diriku dan jangan kau lepaskanku
dan jangan kau lepaskanku darimu
Ku takkan pernah tertawa
Ku takkan pernah bahagia
Ku takkan pernah merasakannya
Bila kau tak di siniKu takkan pernah tertawa
Ku takkan pernah sempurna
Ku takkan pernah merasakanmu
Bila kau tak di sini…
Izinkan aku berlutut mengharap kau tuk kembali
Izinkan aku berharap dirimu kembali
Dan kembali
Dan kembali lagi
Peluklah diriku dan jangan kau lepaskanku
dan jangan kau lepaskanku darimu…